Keeping Up with the Camilo


    This week has probably been the most productive because it’s where I’ve found my key sources, and finally choosing the person for my interview. “Gaining Health While Giving Back to the Community”, was the source that opened many new points for me to research into. I originally was only focusing on why people volunteer, and how it can affect personal growth, but then with this new idea that this article introduced me. I have now expanded into a whole new trend, which is, how much affect can volunteering be on someone’s health. Could it actually help increase life span? Could it actually improve the way of life of people? So much light has been shed on me by finding , which has expanded my research to more. I have now been looking for some sources for my new questions. NSGVP did a study on how volunteering could have a potential effect on people like their volunteering age, how it can become job related. Everything I have found will eventually help me go much deeper into my topic. Maddie is the person I decided to interview because she is the volunteer director as SU CASA, and organization based off volunteers, that helps the Hispanic community with any uprising problem that they may have. I know Maddie on a personal basis, and I know that she can refer me to other volunteer’s directors to help me along with my research. IN A NUT SHELL ITS BEEN A SUCCESFUL WEEK!

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